function buildLinksButton(linksURL) { linksURL.forEach(function(linkObj, index) { buildLinkButton(linkObj); }); } function buildLinkButton(linkURL) { var desc =; var urls = linkURL.urls; if (urls.length > 0) { var url = urls[0]; var updateUrl = getUpdateUrl(url); if (urls.length < 2) { // if it's the only url in the list // create the link without checking if the link is valid buildButtonLink(desc, updateUrl); } else { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', updateUrl, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.status === 200) { buildButtonLink(desc, updateUrl); } else { url = urls[1]; updateUrl = getUpdateUrl(url); buildButtonLink(desc, updateUrl); } } }; request.send(); } } } function getUpdateUrl(url) { var updateUrl = url; if (url.startsWith("/")) { updateUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + url; } else if (url.startsWith("http")) { // leave as is } else { // if url does not start with http for example then // it get appends to http://localhost:9080/ instead of // just updateUrl = "http://" + url; } return updateUrl; } function buildButtonLink(desc, url) { var element = document.getElementById("welcome-section-content"); var button = buildButton(url, desc); element.appendChild(button); } function buildButtonDirectLink(desc, url) { var updateURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + + url; var element = document.getElementById("welcome-section-content"); var button = buildButton(updateURL, desc); element.appendChild(button); } function buildButton(url, description) { var anchor = document.createElement("div"); anchor.setAttribute("class", "linkButton"); var button = document.createElement("a"); button.href = url; button.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-info"); button.setAttribute("role", "button"); var buttonText = document.createElement("h3"); buttonText.innerHTML = description; var arrowImage = document.createElement("div"); arrowImage.className = "right-carrot"; button.appendChild(buttonText).appendChild(arrowImage); anchor.appendChild(button); return anchor; } function closeUpdateBanner() { var updateBanner = document.getElementById("update-banner"); updateBanner.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); var welcomeSection = document.getElementById("welcome-section"); welcomeSection.setAttribute("style", "margin-top: 75px"); } function updateBannerTabOrder(media) { var section = document.getElementById("update-banner"); var firstChild = (section != null) ? section.firstChild : null; if (media.matches) { // If media query matches width <= 850px if (firstChild) { if ( === "banner-container") { section.removeChild(firstChild); section.appendChild(firstChild); } } } else { if (firstChild) { if ( !== "banner-container") { section.removeChild(firstChild); section.appendChild(firstChild); } } } } function buildUpdateBanner(messages) { if (isLibertyUpdateAvailable) { var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("id", "update-banner"); section.setAttribute("aria-label", messages.UPDATE_BANNER_SECTION); var media = window.matchMedia("(max-width : 850px)"); if (media.matches) { createCloseButton(section, messages); createDownloadLink(section, messages); } else { createDownloadLink(section, messages); createCloseButton(section, messages); } media.addListener(updateBannerTabOrder); var welcomeSection = document.getElementById("welcome-section"); document.body.insertBefore(section, document.body.firstChild); } } function createCloseButton(section, messages) { var button = document.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("class", "x-close"); button.setAttribute("onclick", "closeUpdateBanner()"); button.setAttribute("aria-label", messages.UPDATE_BANNER_CLOSE_BUTTON); var right = document.createElement("div"); right.setAttribute("class", "x-close-right-tilt"); var left = document.createElement("div"); left.setAttribute("class", "x-close-left-tilt"); section.appendChild(button); button.appendChild(right); button.appendChild(left); } function createDownloadLink(section, messages) { var article = document.createElement("article"); article.setAttribute("id", "banner-container"); article.setAttribute("aria-label", messages.UPDATE_BANNER_SECTION); var h3 = document.createElement("article"); h3.setAttribute("id", "banner-text"); h3.setAttribute("class", "banner-text"); h3.setAttribute("aria-label", messages.UPDATE_BANNER_SECTION_CONTENT); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("class", "bolded"); span.innerHTML = messages.HEADER_UPDATE_AVAILABLE; article.appendChild(h3); h3.appendChild(span); var msgDownload = formatString(messages.HEADER_DOWNLOAD_LINK, [ latestReleasedVersion.productName ]); var msgDownloadLink = ""; h3.innerHTML += msgDownloadLink; section.appendChild(article); } function updateTitleVersion(messages, version) { var msg = messages.WELCOME_TITLE; var title = formatString(msg, [ version ]); document.title = title; } function formatString(value, args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var regexp = new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gi'); value = value.replace(regexp, args[i]); } return value; } function updateCopyright(messages, id) { var msg = messages.IBM_LICENSED; var copyLink = '' + messages.COPYRIGHT_URL + '' msg = formatString(msg, [ copyLink ]); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = msg; } function getVariableLinks(languageCode, links) { var varLinks = links; try { if (languageCode === "cs") { varLinks = links_cs; } else if (languageCode === "de") { varLinks = links_de; } else if (languageCode === "es") { varLinks = links_es; } else if (languageCode === "fr") { varLinks = links_fr; } else if (languageCode === "hu") { varLinks = links_hu; } else if (languageCode === "it") { varLinks = links_it; } else if (languageCode === "ja") { varLinks = links_ja; } else if (languageCode === "ko") { varLinks = links_ko; } else if (languageCode === "pl") { varLinks = links_pl; } else if (languageCode === "pt-br") { varLinks = links_pt-br; } else if (languageCode === "ro") { varLinks = links_ro; } else if (languageCode === "ru") { varLinks = links_ru; } else if (languageCode === "zh") { varLinks = links_zh; } else if (languageCode === "zh-tw") { varLinks = links_zh-tw; } } catch (err) { // if the variable is not define in wlp_links.js then default to variable links (english version) } return varLinks; } function buildContent(messages, linksURL) { buildUpdateBanner(messages); buildLinksButton(linksURL); updateCopyright(messages, "footer-copy"); }